Emily Tiel

Dispersing the bleakness, shaking the foundations, stirring the despondent crowds. Waking the dormant world to a reality it could have never known.

Tiel has weaved many stories and tales of her origin ever since her first surfacing in Eorzea. Sometimes she claims she was raised in wilderness, explaining her survival skills outside of the city-states and simply took on a human-sounding name to integrate as greater challenges were to be had by working with the "civilized states". Other times she is a Lalafell that was originally named Enrara-- or in some stories, known as En'Sai when it came to more formal ways of speaking to her. But both routes decide by the end of the stories that she became disillusioned with Lalafellin customs and took on a more human name, going from 'Enrara' to Emily. Nobody seems privy to the truth and she shamelessly continues to tell conflicting stories throughout her journey while refusing to tell what she will openly call "the truth", much to most's dismay. Said dismay being something she takes at least some whimsical pleasure in causing as people wrack their heads trying to think of what the truth could be.Where she actually hails from, her upbringing and prior experiences to her sudden surfacing into Eorzea remain a mystery. Her existence was largely unknown prior to an event where a large explosion wracked mountains between Ishgard and The Black Shroud and she was found stepping outside of the leveled wreckage of a base that had similar magitech design similar to that of Garleans.At this point a common theory tends to be that she isn't of this world despite her Lalafellin appearance. Her overall abilities seem far too high for any usual Lalafell to achieve. Her capacity in melee combat, her magical aptitude, her sheer durability.
It all stands out and paints an utterly surreal picture around her to the point some people call her a "Star Child". A being that descended upon the world to try and steer it's course another way as she quashes one crisis after another. How close to the truth that may be however is something she does not comment on in the slightest.


NameEmily Tiel
Birth NameEnrara (En'Sai)
Height33 "ilms"
Weight60 "ponze"
OrientationMostly Lesbian. But some Lalaboys CAN tickle her fancy
Nameday15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
OccupationAdventurer of the more...fight-y variety
MaritalSingle, not particularly LOOKING but can definitely be gradually dragged into one by the right person.
RelativesUnknown. Vaguely alludes to 2 Sisters at best.
LikesSavory food, Combat, Magic, SOME Music, Travelling, and her 2 Sisters.
DislikesLechers, Greedy "People", Beast-kin, Most Sweets, Academic Work, Puzzles, "Hard Choices".
AlignmentChaotic Neutral. Her moral compass just tends to fall into helping people more often than not.


✦ The pupils of her eyes are actually a slightly sky blue tinted white rather than the usual black.
✦ Her hair despite it's feral appearance is actually VERY soft and fluffy to the touch.
✦ Most times she has a half lidded stare and a 'perpetually annoyed' look on her face
✦ She has no accent to her voice and she speaks at an almost whisper volume by default.
✦ Despite wielding a Greatsword-- and with almost frightening ease-- she is very much so a Mage.
✦ Unlike most mages that need incantations or magical items, she seems to use magic freely, like an extension of herself.


✔️ Freedom❌ Certain brands of "Order"
✔️Adventures❌ Authority
✔️ Fighting❌ Civilian Abuse
✔️ Grandiose Sceneries❌ Monotony
✔️ Cute Stuff (Secretly)❌ Being Petted
✔️ Monster Slaying❌ Anarchic Chaos
✔️ SOME Dragons❌ Monetarists/Most Nobles
✔️ Savory Food❌ Sweets (Most of the time)
✔️ Transparency❌ Dishonesty
✔️ Slight Asceticism❌ Greed
✔️ Getting to the point❌ Formalities
✔️ Fellow Lalafell❌ MOST Tallfolk.


✔️ Melee Combat❌ Prolonged Ranged Combat
✔️ Premeditation❌ Complex Strategies
✔️ Magic❌ Academics/Schoolwork
✔️ Patience❌ Diplomacy
✔️ Somewhat adept at Deception❌ Hard time trusting others
✔️ Accurate judge of character❌ Generally VERY slow to let people in
✔️ Recon/Stealth❌ Sometimes doesn't care and goes in loud
✔️ Cooking❌ Baking


Tiel has a rather aloof and distant disposition. To most she is a very low-energy Lalafell-- especially when compared to others of her kind-- as she addresses those around her with a deadpan voice, half lidded eyes and little interest outside of eating and fighting. A Lalafell of her type isn't unheard of but when most are met with those types of Lalafell it usually has some kind of "baggage" attached. When people find out there is no such catch involved it tends to cause some levels of curiosity.Contradictory to the ice queen exterior she's a very motivated, driven and idealistic person who has a very common habit of stomping on those that come at odds with her own moral compass-- like some kind of hothead. She is a bit paradoxical in nature and yet these normally contradictory traits seem to co-exist perfectly within her without being some kind of jarring, almost out of character outburst. She is cold to the touch but at the same time she shines brightly when the situation calls for it.Despite her outward coldness, she's not particularly anti-social and is instead more of a wallflower that prefers to focus on her own development and improvement, especially in terms of combat and power. It practically acting as her sole driving purpose besides just taking part in whatever situations snag her attention and interest on a whim, living and acting solely based on things that please or displease her. Tact and manners also for the most part don't exist to her and she is bluntly honest to the point of painful with most people.Fellow Lalafell appear to gain her attention the most-- albeit Female Lalas more than Male Lalas-- despite the latter still having a fair chance. Men and Women alike of taller races seem to get utterly ignored unless actively being worked with towards an end. There are a few rare exceptions but those are mostly just passing conversations and vague acquaintances. Most run-ins that lead to actual talking or a continued association tend to revolve around her way of life.There are many other facets to her but these tend to be the main ones people get to see in public.

These are mostly things that your character will not know ICly until it is brought up in-scene but it's listed here to help you OOCly decide if you want to write with this character or not. Do be warned this section is somewhat long.

- Her main interests are in other Female Lalafell. She's mostly Lesbian. Lalaboys tend to be more of a coinflip but still have a somewhat fair chance as long as it's more of the "cute" variety that don't try to act macho and don't have facial hair going on. Tallfolk tend to garner little to no interest from her. Most interactions with 'tallers' of either gender are usually brief stints driven by a call to arms.- Yes, she is able to be classified as a tsundere. You were thinking it, so there's your confirmation.- If there were any canon NPCs that would have her interest, they would largely be Nanamo and Tataru and maybe Krile. Otherwise she doesn't really pay much attention to those in the world around her unless she is actively working with them towards an end.- Emily is more of a proper protagonist type character and rather spearheads the over-arching plot I have set out for her but minus the usual asspull trope of incompetent shonen MCs and the "conveniently inconsistent" power level of the WoL. She is a competent fighter who has dedicated almost a decade of her childhood learning how to fight, and has spent another half decade on top of that running herself ragged just to strive towards what she deems as perfection in some level of martial and magical Transcendence. She has now become a capable, combat-savvy adult that outclasses her more mundane peers. If you're looking for some joe-blow or some fumbling tool of a character, you are in the wrong place. Really left field for a Lalafell I know-- but she is indeed a serious character with a serious storyline. I enjoy small, cute but powerful characters doing amazing things.- Emily is something of a surreal Lalafell. Whose thought patterns, ideas and concerns are completely removed from that of the common of mortals. Where other people have their noses to the ground, always focused on their worldly things, her eyes always seem glued to the sky as she focuses on what seems to be something of a bigger picture. But this surreal mindset also makes her incredibly outlandish to most people in Eorzea as she goes reacting very differently from how most would to a great number of situations. One of which being her earlier noted approach to conflicts. Other people scheme and gather armies. Emily is more inclined to charge in head on and just attack. And the scary part is that a lot of the time it just works.This tendency to just charge in and fight and still win anyway tends to build an image of being almost untouchable or unstoppable. Though that's not to say that will be the tone throughout the entire plot. That image will get built up and it WILL later down the line get knocked down SEVERAL pegs given my preference for stories where a competent character stands tall, finally meets their match, gets knocked down and has to in a sense reforge themselves and come back even stronger, taking the image they had before and holding it up even higher as she overcomes several actually challenging hurdles of mind boggling proportions.- Yes she is most often out adventuring and getting herself into the center of a conflict, always looking for action and adventure but that does not mean you have to be someone who can keep up with her ability-wise to be at her side. She's not particularly interested in people for if they're powerful or not. She's more interested in what kind of person someone is more than anything else. Her knowingly fruitless crushes on Nanamo and Tataru show this point rather clearly. She'd gladly take either one of the two on a long, adventure filled journey if not for their own obligations and seemingly lack of interest in all the danger and such that would come with it. It don't matter if you're a fighter or a lover, if you want to come along for an adventure you won't soon forget and if you happen to tickle her fancy you can easily tag along with her the whole way.- Most of her outfits include covering most of her body, but beneath all those heavy clothings is a body wrapped in battle scars. Plentiful and savage enough to even make a Warrior veteran blush just thinking about it. Some people to see the scars have the wits about them to actually notice the large, spanning scar going from side to side of her mid-section. That's a secret you will have to learn ICly, but you may know that it played a large part in why she is potent as she is now in terms of ability. A turning point in her life that made her something more.- She later on down the line tends to work with the Scions and often spearheads more conflict driven operations but she is not a Warrior of Light in any manner. No Echo, no Hydaelyn, nothing. Her boons and abilities are solely her own regardless of what faction or what people she ends up involved with at a given time. SE's writing when it comes to a main character is incredibly wanting and I'd rather not degrade my own work by associating my character with a facet of their making that is all but a joke at this point in the narrative of the overall story of the game.- Do not stick your fingers anywhere near her mouth. She has chompers and you WILL have those fingers subtracted if you tempt fate and no healer in the world will be putting those back on when she's done gnashing them. You have been warned.- Despite all her power, she prefers not to abuse it on the smallfolk/commoners. But when there's an "abnormal" causing issues, you can bet it WILL escalate into full blown violence. Outside of the civilians, she is very prone to violence and it tends to be her first choices in dealing with a problem when it is properly applicable.- On the topic of violence, despite her icy exterior, she LOVES fighting, even if it she doesn't outright show it most of the time. Much of her time is spent finding issues that need resolving via violence specifically so she can scratch that itch or she is out in some god forsaken, remote place and training.- Outside of normal game conventions, you can consider her as something more akin to a Blue Mage, but she uses a Greatsword instead of a Cane. She has her own unique plethora of abilities and is highly magically inclined despite being nothing like 99% of mages by being found in melee combat rather than acting as some kind of backline artillery in need of protection.- Unlike many Lalafell, she has very little interest in material possessions or money. She's very Ascetic by nature. A few pair of clothes fitting her aesthetics, food and a comfy bed are all she cares about. She also has a hard time taking gifts in good conscience unless it came from some super well-off person who wouldn't be hurting for food or money from doing so at all. This in turn however puts her at odds with Merchants and Monetarists of Ul'Dah. More often than not the arguments to ensue between her and stuffy Syndicate members ends in fists thrown and some money-grubber's teeth knocked out and his lips swelled up to the point he can't speak for a few days. Needless to say, she is not welcome in Ul'Dah by anyone besides maybe Nanamo, who seems to have her own issues with the monetarists and somewhat liked by the commoners for being unafraid to lash out at some spoiled, rich person who thinks their money can shield them from someone with strength. Of course the Flame General no doubt has himself a laugh and a half when one of said fights ensues on the Royal Promenade.- If she can help it, she prefers to avoid the Black Shroud. Not for any sort of personal reason or having been wronged by it. She just in her own words "hates all the fruity, 'live in harmony with nature' nonsense" that she keeps hearing whenever she's there and generally hates the "typical wood elf aesthetic" of the nation. When asked why she feels that way her answer is simply "I'll live in harmony with nature when mosquitoes stop breeding and stop fucking eating me alive and sending me to bed itching 20 different places on my person every time I step into that gods forsaken hellhole of a nation."- She doesn't condone the Garleans or Gaius in the slightest, but she admits that in SOME regards, his mentality was THE truth and that the current status quo was not going to fix the world or it's problems. She in her own way respects Gaius and understands his words but at the same time she could not condone any of it and in turn fought against him anyway because a world controlled by the Garleans just leads to a world that stinks of stained blood on the wind, shaped with mountains of dead bodies and flooded with tides of tears as people live in perpetual oppression and misery. The world needs someone powerful to take it by the reigns and lead it, but Gaius was not that person to do it and neither is the Garlean Empire as a whole.- She tends to not approach others-- as per her wallflower nature-- but when someone catches her fancy she rather uncharacteristically can be seen making glances and brief stares at the target of her fixation, slowly over time creeping closer and closer until a situation is orchestrated-- big or small-- where the two finally make direct contact and an association carries on from there. Though these instances are mostly reserved for the once in a hundred blue moon situations where it's practically love at first sight and otherwise she is generally the one being approached or clung onto by the other party and often finding it hard for her to tell the person "No" or to "Go away"-- mostly fellow Femlalas though. So if she's not shooing you away, you can bet your ass you at least have a chance.- She holds grudges and does not forgive or forget. She is vindictive and will also hold your personal allegiance against you as well. The only people so far to get an exception is Cid (because he already redeemed himself in the eyes of all of Eorzea) and potentially post-Ultima Weapon Gaius since she held nothing personal against him and even agreed with a number of his viewpoints. She just fought against him before because she deemed he was NOT that person that needed to rule to get the world back on track towards recovery and salvation.

OOC Info

This carrd sheet is a perpetual WIP as I think of things to add on and as things maybe unfold in RPs.- My name on most platforms is Extvia. I got into XIV cause I was mostly just looking for distractions while waiting for other games like Wuthering Waves and Granblue Relink to come out at the time. Did some learning, decided I wanted to get into trying to do some freeform writing for this setting since I already RP a bunch of other muses as it is and have been RPing for going on 15 years now.- I only RP on Discord, one-on-one. I largely got bored with the game-- the combat was so dull I was genuinely dozing off in my seat mid-content-- and am only interested in the setting itself and writing stuff involving it.- I only write with other Lalafells. I have a bias for Femlalas but non-macho Lalaboys (as in no facial hair or anything like that) have a chance at least too.- I know it's very selfish but just gonna put this out there; If someone were willing to write as Nanamo or Tataru they would ESPECIALLY have my interest.- Do NOT approach me if you are under 18, I am almost 30 and I do not care for being tangled up with minors. No I do not care if the story would stay completely SFW or not. 18+ partners only. I do not need that kind of shit coming down upon me.- My way of speaking is a bit coarse and I'm very blunt and honest. Not so good with dancing on egg shells for people with sensitive feelings. So I am probably not the best person to approach if that bothers you, IC or OOC.- I am fine with a broad spectrum of character types but other people aren't guaranteed to like what I am after. So it's better to let people come to me because that usually ends up meaning they are certainly interested in what I am offering. If you read all this and are interested just come to me instead. It makes it more certain you're actually interested in what you'd be getting than if I made the approach.- I am a para/multi para writer, so if you can't keep up with that, we probably won't mesh well.- I am fine with OOC friendship alongside our RPing. I only mention this cause some people are weird and don't want OOC friendship outside of the RP itself.- I am fine with more spaced out posting within reason. I do not demand having your attention for 12+ hours a day. Just don't make me wait 1-4 weeks for a single post at a time outside of genuinely being busy as hell or something. Being busy with life stuff is a valid reason for slowness.- I'm in it for long term, high fantasy, shonen-esque action-adventure plots with Slice of Life and MAYBE romantic fluff on the side, weaved in between the big stuff. Anything more 'mature' will only come from character chemistry. Very character interaction/development driven outside of the action bits. And even then really good partners have managed to weave in fluff of some kind DURING the action bits too. I do not do random ERP with random people. Gruesome, visceral and bloody themes are fine but I do not center my plots around them. And I am not mentally fit to deal with a character with mental issues and traumas. I am too jaded to 'fix' your character if they have such issues.- I am not so keen on game purists. Other people can be more compliant with the in game workings if they want but it's not quite for me. I tend to vaguely follow the canon setting starting out but over time I look to add more and more non-canon things until something BIG happens and then the setting becomes more of a "Final Fantasy in general mixed with original stuff with a Lalafell and whoever her companion is at the center of it" type of beat. I like some aspects of the XIV setting. A bit of digging after getting into XIV got me into some of Final Fantasy's other lores and stuff. So I like to go off the canon rails and maybe warp and twist the setting and go non-canon, implementing original stuff and maybe even other FF settings and characters to build a more interesting story. If you're looking for someone only doing strictly XIV stuff that stays very firmly in the limitations of the game itself, I'm not it.

No matter the scenario she is largely only interested in fellow Lalafell, keep that in mind.Not much contains the involvement of Tiel apart from conflict. A wind-guided spirit that follows the sounds of anything that catches her interests. You're more likely to find her at the center of a crisis, flattening bandits she discovered haggling caravans or just systematic extermination of beastkin due to viewing them as monsters that simply vaguely talk. She goes wherever the wind ends up taking her and that usually ends up meaning she's off adventuring more often than not. Being someone's savior is not a very uncommon thing.Other times she's likely in the Quicksands (Ul'Dah) or the Drowning Wench (Limsa Lominsa) talking to the Adventurer's Guild associate within for a job. Her odd appearance tends to catch a few eyes, people overhearing the things she plans on taking on by herself catches their attention.Sometimes people approach from seeing her fight and trying to in some way get her to teach them how to in some way be as strong as she is. Though as far as trying to get training from her, she generally tends to shoot these down but when it comes to certain people she finds it hard to keep them from clinging on anyway in hopes of at least knowing what the secret is. Even if that secret remains beyond their reach.Despite her main activity being fighting, some have approached her before for reasons like simple interest and intrigue or infatuation for some reason or another. You don't particularly NEED a good reason to approach her. Just moreso a reason for sticking around her and maybe a cute face to make it hard for her to give you the boot.You can pitch other ideas if something came to mind. These are just all I myself have for now.